Inference about independence

Discrete Variable

  • How to test 2 random variables are independent

2×22\times2 contingency table. For instance, z=0 for male, z=1 for female; y=0 for unemployed y=1 employed. Total data is n.

Y=0Y=1z=0X00X01X0.z=1X10X11X1.X.0X.1X..=n\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline & {Y=0} & {Y=1} & {} \\ \hline z=0 & {X_{00}} & {X_{01}} & {X_{0.}} \\ \hline z=1 & {X_{10}} & {X_{11}} & {X_{1.}} \\ \hline & {X_{.0}} & {X_{.1}} & {X..=n} \\ \hline\end{array}

Question: Sex & employment status, 2 binary variables. Independent?

H0: Z is Independent of Y

Test Statistic: Pearson's Chi Square Statistic for Independence

Eij=XiXjnE_{i j}=\frac{X_{i} X_{j}}{n} , 代表under null hypothesis 时每个cell的数量,

U=i=01j=01(XijEij)2EijU=\sum_{i=0}^{1} \sum_{j=0}^{1} \frac{\left(X_{i j}-E_{i j}\right)^{2}}{E_{i j}} ,物理意义是理想和观测的差距,

Under the Null Hypothesis, Uχ12U \sim \chi_{1}^{2}


  1. Chi-squared Distribution k个独立标准正态分布随机变量的平方和就是自由度为k的chi-square distribution

  2. Covariance(Y,Z)=0 意思是线性无关,但是它不等于independent 但是independent一定covariance=0 比如 cov(x,x2)=0cov(x, x^{2})=0

  3. “独立” independence 意味着 P(Y=y,Z=z)=P(Y=y)×P(Z=z)P(Y=y, Z=z)=P(Y=y)\times P(Z=z) 而等式右边就是marginal probability,也就是 Ei,jE_{i,j}

  4. 所以在Null Hypothesis成立的情况下,X00的那个cell应该有 x.0x0.n×nn\frac{x_{.0} \cdot x_{0.}}{n\times n} \cdot n 这么多的人数。

  5. 假如U过大,理想和观测的差距过大(p值小),reject。

  6. df,在binary vs binary时是1; 在test non-binary vs non-binary时不是1. t-test是和sample size有关;chi-square test的df=(nrow-1)*(ncol-1)

  7. “不独立”也不意味着causality

  8. 注意confounding factors,避免Simpson‘s Effect,如果做segmentation的内容本身就对结果有作用,segmentation的effect可能还会大于treatment的effect。所以要保证所区分的group在两组中的人数一样。

  9. 如果在面试上是observational study,无法控制sample的比例,那就尽可能找到confounding factors,做穷举control(考查的data intuition)。

  • How to estimate the strength of dependence b/w 2 random variables

Odds Ratio: ψ=X00X11X01X10\psi=\frac{X_{00} X_{11}}{X_{01} X_{10}}

注意以上的Test都是Independence Test 不是Correlation Test!!!

Continuous Variable

如果两个variables是normally distributed,可以通过correlation来看Independence。


One Continuous, One Discrete

如果面对不同的category,continuous data的分布是一样的, 那就等价于它们的CDF(cumulative density function)是一样的。所以假设检验的test statistic就可以用 D=supF^1(x)F^2(x)D=\sup \left|\hat{F}_{1}(x)-\hat{F}_{2}(x)\right| 两个function之间距离的最大值。用KS Test作比较,链接


Hypothesis Testing and Model Selection

用Hypothesis Testing的方式做Model Selection,把一些non-significant coefficients扔了。

Zheng-Loh Model Selection Method


  1. true model其实是bias=0的model,variance很大

2. 如果是cross-validation,最后evaluate的是model performance。但是这个method 的结果是让model更接近true model。

所以相比之下, 还是cross validation更加简单直接,中间不绕弯子直接奔model performance提升的结果。

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