LeetCode SQL题目总结
Sqlzoo,modeanalytics,hackerank,leetcode. From 1point 3acres bbs JOIN 1. 标准句式之join+on/where SELECT A.NAME FROM EMPLOYEE A JOIN EMPLOYEE B-baidu 1point3acres ON A.MANAERID=B.ID WHERE A.Salary>b.Salary On 用来限制join 的key Where 用来限制最后呈现出的数据符合的条件 先开始就要把所有需要的fields在join another table之前都列出来 2. 先开始列出多个表格时,用where select distinct l1.num as ConsecutiveNums from logs l1,logs l2,logs l3 where l1.id=l2.id-1 and l2.id=l3.id-1 and l1.num=l2.num=l3.num. From 1point 3acres bbs Select dep.name as department,emp.name as employee,emp.salary From department dep,employee emp Where emp.departmentid=dep.id And emp.salary=(select max(salary) from employee e2 where e2.departmentid=dep.id) JOIN的分类 如果我们想查找在第一个表里出现的并且在第二个表里也出现的(并且 Join by default是指inner join的 因此像上面那道题就可以直接用join 因为我们只关心inner table的内容 Left join会保存所以第一个table的内容 不管第二个table有没有匹配项目 通常可以用来查找第一个表里有但是第二个表里没有的东西. check 1point3acres for more. Example: 181 Employees Earning More Than their managers select a.Name as Customers from Customers a join Orders b on a.Id=b.CustomerId where b.CustomerId is null 这样inner join return的结果是0 因为inner join的条件下没有customerid是null的情况 select a.Name as Customers from Customers a LEFT join Orders b on a.Id=b.CustomerId where b.CustomerId is null This one works. And if we change where b.CustomerId is null to where b.ID is null it also works but with slower performance Select department highest salary Option 1: SELECT D.Name AS Department ,E.Name AS Employee ,E.Salary FROM Employee E, (SELECT DepartmentId,max(Salary) as max FROM Employee GROUP BY DepartmentId) T, Department D WHERE E.DepartmentId = T.DepartmentId AND E.Salary = T.max AND E.DepartmentId = D.id Option 2: SELECT D.Name AS Department ,E.Name AS Employee ,E.Salary from Employee E, Department D WHERE E.DepartmentId = D.id AND (DepartmentId,Salary) in . check 1point3acres for more. (SELECT DepartmentId,max(Salary) as max FROM Employee GROUP BY DepartmentId) RANK SECOND HIGHEST SALARY Option 1: select max(salary) as SecondHighestSalary from Employee where Salary<(Select Max(Salary) from Employee) Option 2: select max(salary) as SecondHighestSalary from Employee where salary not in ( select max(salary) from Employee ). check 1point3acres for more. SQL BASICS Find duplicated emails # Write your MySQL query statement below SELECT Email FROM (select email,count(email) as num from person group by email) L where num>1 Delete duplicate emails Option 1: DELETE FROM PERSON WHERE ID NOT IN(SELECT MINID FROM (SELECT EMAIL,MIN(ID) AS MINID FROM PERSON GROUP BY EMAIL) AS TMP) Option 2: Delete p1 from person p1, Person p2 Where p1.email=p2.email and p1.id>p2.id 无需要join只需要select符合条件的 (SUBQUERY) The use of subquery To display name, location,phone_number of the students from database table whose section is A Answer: SELECT NAME, LOCATION, PHONE_NUMBER FROM DATABASE WHERE ROLL_NO IN (SELECT ROLL_NO FROM STUDENT WHERE SECTION='A') SELECT REQUEST_AT AS DAY, ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN STATUS LIKE 'cancelled%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*),2) AS 'Cancellation Rate' from ( SELECT * FROM TRIPS T WHERE -baidu 1point3acres T.CLIENT_ID NOT IN (SELECT USER_ID FROM USERS WHERE BANED='Yes') and T.DRIVER_ID NOT IN (SELECT USERS_ID FROM USERS WHERE BANNED='Yes') and T.REQUEST_AT BETWEEN '2013-10-01' AND '2013-10-03') AS NEWT GROUP BY RESUEST_AT Answer 1: . check 1point3acres for more. select customers.name as 'Customers' from customers where customers.id not in ( select customerid from orders ); Answer 2: Select c.name as customers. From 1point 3acres bbs From customers as c Left join orders o On c.id=o.customerid Where o.customerid is null 注意这里不能用where 因为where 会only select 符合条件的(inner join相当于)会return nothing select customers.name as customers from customers,orders where customers.id=orders.customerid and orders.customerid is null (错误答案) 下面一个例子同样不能用where语句要用join并选择合适的join的 Select d.dept_name, count(s.student_id) as student_number From student s right join department d on s.dept_id=d.dept_id Group by d.dept_name Order by student_number desc, d.dept_name How to join tables with itself (where /on两种写法都可以 Answer 1: select e1.name as employee from employee e1 join employee e2 on e1.managerid=e2.id where e1.salary>e2.salary . check 1point3acres for more. Answer 2: SELECT * FROM Employee AS a, Employee AS b WHERE a.ManagerId = b.Id AND a.Salary > b.Salary Given a Weather table, write a SQL query to find all dates' Ids with higher temperature compared to its previous (yesterday's) dates. select p1.Id from Weather p1 join Weather p2 on datediff(p1.recorddate,p2.recorddate)=1 and p1.Temperature>p2.temperature select p1.Id from Weather p1, Weather p2 where datediff(p1.recorddate,p2.recorddate)=1 and p1.Temperature>p2.temperature Consecutive available seats 当设计到连续的座位数(连续的天数)我们可以用table自己join自己 on 相差数为1 的方式,去得到我们想要的结果 因为只有两个consecutive就满足条件,所以只能是join 两个table Question: Answer: select distinct a.seat_id From cinema a Join cinema b On abs(a.seat_id-b.seat_id)=1 And a.free=true and b.free=true Order by a.seat_id Question: Notice the difference between this one and the above one is that this one doesn't require you to join on abs value as this one is asking for the num instead of the id. Answer 1: select distinct l1.num as ConsecutiveNums from logs l1,logs l2,logs l3 where l1.id=l2.id-1 and l2.id=l3.id-1 and l1.num=l2.num=l3.num Answer 2: Select t.num as consecutivenums From (select distinct a.num from Logs a Left join logs b on a.id=b.id-1 Left join logs c on a.id=c.id-2 Where a.num=b.num and a.num=c.num) t Side knowledge: The TO_DAYS() function returns the number of days between a date and year 0 (date "0000-00-00"). The TO_DAYS() function can be used only with dates within the Gregorian calendar Answer 1: SELECT WT1.ID FROM WEATHER WT1 JOIN WEATHER WT2 ON TO_DAYS(WmT1.RECORDDATE)-TO_DAYS(WT2.RECORDDATE)=1 AND WT1.TEMPERATURE>WT2.TEMPERATURE Answer 2: SELECT WT1.ID FROM WEATHER WT1 JOIN WEATHER WT2 ON TO_DAYS(WT1.RECORDDATE)-TO_DAYS(WT2.RECORDDATE)=1 WHERE WT1.TEMPERATURE>WT2.TEMPERATURE Answer 3: SELECT WT1.ID. check 1point3acres for more. FROM WEATHER WT1,WEATHER WT2 WHERE WT1.TEMPERATURE>WT2.TEMPERATURE AND TO_DAYS(WT1.RECORDDATE)-TO_DAYS(WT2.RECORDDATE)=1 How to choose add number Side Knowledge: MySQL MOD() returns the remainder of a number divided by another number. This function also works on fractional values and returns the exact remainder. The function returns NULL when the value of divisor is 0 Question: Please write a SQL query to output movies with an odd numbered ID and a description that is not 'boring'. Order the result by rating. select * from cinema where mod(id,2)=1 and description !='boring' order by rating DESC Select from temp table Answer Select class from (select count(distinct student) as num,class from courses Group by class) as temp where num>=5 (notice, the parenthesis is before table name) Difference between Where and On Where is a part of the SELECT query as a whole, on is a part of each individual join On can only refer to the fields of previously used tables The on clause defines the relationship between the tables The where clause describes which rows you are interested in Many times you can swap them and still get the same result However this is not always the case with a left outer join As a rule of thumb, you should use columns that join your tables in On clauses and columns that are used for filtering in where clauses. This provides the best readability Different types of the JOINs in SQL Inner join: returns records that have matching values in both tables Left(outer) join:return all records from the left table and the matched records from the right table Right(outer) join: return all records from the right table and the matched records from the left table Full(outer) join: return all records when there is a match in either left or right table Managers with at least 5 direct reports Option 1: 思路:可以通过inner join来确保另一个field满足条件 . check 1point3acres for more. Select name from employee as t1 join (select managerid from employee Group by managerid Having count(managerid)>=5) as t2 On t1.id=tj2.managerid Option 2: 思路:可以不join而通过where限制另一个field的条件 (subquery) Select name from employee Where id in (select managerid from employee Group by managerid Having count(*)>=5) The use of offset Get nth salary Answer: CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE off_var INT; SET off_var = N-1; RETURN (-baidu 1point3acres # Write your MySQL query statement below. SELECT DISTINCT salary. 1point3acres FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET off_var ); END Offset will offset number of rows and start reading the table. Ranking SELECT Department.name AS 'Department', Employee.name AS 'Employee', Salary FROM Employee JOIN. 1point3acres Department ON Employee.DepartmentId = Department.Id. From 1point 3acres bbs WHERE (Employee.DepartmentId , Salary) IN ( SELECT DepartmentId, MAX(Salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY DepartmentId ) It looks like we can't use e as a table name after from clause And we need parenthesis when have two fields in where conditions Where (employee.departmentid,salary) Department Top 3 Salaries 在subquery里用自己和自己比较 (比较salary) Option 1: Select dep.Name as Department, emp.Name as Employee, emp.Salary from Department dep, Employee emp where emp.DepartmentId=dep.Id and (Select count(distinct Salary) From Employee where DepartmentId=dep.Id and Salary>emp.Salary)<3 Option 2: select d.Name Department, e1.Name Employee, e1.Salary from Employee e1 join Department d. check 1point3acres for more. on e1.DepartmentId = d.Id where (select count(distinct(e2.Salary)) . 1point3acres from Employee e2 where e2.Salary > e1.Salary and e1.DepartmentId = e2.DepartmentId )<3;. check 1point3acres for more. Option 3: Oracle SELECT Department, Employee, Salary FROM ( SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY d.Name ORDER BY e.Salary DESC) AS Rank, d.Name AS Department, e.Name AS Employee, e.Salary, d.Id FROM Department d. 1point3acres JOIN (SELECT * FROM Employee) e ON d.Id = e.DepartmentId )a WHERE Rank <= 3 ORDER BY Id Rank scores Side knowledge: DENSE_RANK computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows and returns the rank as a NUMBER . The ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of unique values returned by the query. ... Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. Answer: SELECT SCORE, (SELECT COUNT(DISTTINCT SCORE) FROM SCORES WHERE SCORE>=S.SCORE) RANK FROM SCORES S ORDER BY SCORE DESC Metric Calculation 注意在计算一个metric涉及到除法的时候,用ifnull用0代替null 注意在calculate题中,只是提取两个table里的内容不需要join两个table的话,可以直接select from 两个table而不需要让两个table join起来 Select ifnull(round(count(distinct requester_id,acceper_id)/count(distinct sender_i,send_to_id),2,),0) as accept_Rate From rerquest_accepted,friend_request 思路:当遇到这种复杂问题时候,先考虑select 呈现最后想要的table,然后逐渐join 提取不同的fields Answer:. 1point3acres Solve this problem by 3 steps as below 1. Calculate the company's average salary in every month. Select avg(amount) as company_avg, date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') as pay_month from salary Group by date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') 2. Calculate the each department's average salary in every month Select department_id,avg(amount) as department_avg, date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') as pay_month from salary Join employee on salary.employee_id=employee.employee_id Group by department_id,pay_month 3. At last, combine the above two query and join them on department_salary.pay_month=company_salary.pay_month select department_salary.pay_month, department_id, case when department_avg>company_avg then 'higher' when department_avg<company_avg then 'lower' else 'same' end as comparison from ( select department_id, avg(amount) as department_avg, date_format(pay_date, '%Y-%m') as pay_month from salary join employee on salary.employee_id = employee.employee_id group by department_id, pay_month ) as department_salary join ( select avg(amount) as company_avg, date_format(pay_date, '%Y-%m') as pay_month from salary group by date_format(pay_date, '%Y-%m') ) as company_salary on department_salary.pay_month = company_salary.pay_month Winning candidate 思路:可以通过join的方式去找符合条件的id,也可以通过where语句去限制另一个table 找到符合条件的id Option 1: SELECT name AS 'Name' FROM Candidate,,, JOIN (SELECT Candidateid FROM Vote GROUP BY Candidateid ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1) AS winner WHERE Candidate.id = winner.Candidateid ; Option 2: Select name From candidate Where id=(select candidateid From vote Group by candidateid Order by count(*) desc Limit 1) Option 3: Select name From candidate join vote on Candidate.id=vote.candidateid Group by candidateid Order by count(*) desc Limit 1 (not efficient) Find cumulative salary of an employee select a.id, a.month, sum(b.salary) from employee a, employee b where a.id = b.id and a.month >= b.month and a.month < (select max(month) from employee c where a.id = c.id) group by a.id, a.month One more way of doing it using ROW_NUMBER: WITH s AS (SELECT Id,Month,Salary, Sum(Salary) OVER (PARTITION BY Id ORDER BY Month) as SumSal, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id ASC, month DESC) rn FROM emp1) SELECT Id,Month,SumSal as Salary FROM s WHERE rn > 1 Ifnull, if statement Answer: Select T.id, If(isnull(T.p_id),'Root',if(T.id in (select p_id from tree),'Inner','Leaf')) Type From tree T . From 1point 3acres bbs Answer: Select x,y,z Case when x+y<=z OR x+z<=y or. check 1point3acres for more. y+z<=x Then 'no' Else 'yes' End as 'triangle' From traingle Get highest answer rate question 利用subquery自己制作一个表格来select . check 1point3acres for more. Answer: Select question_id as survey_log From (select question_id, sum(case when action='show' then 1 else 0 end) as num_show, Sum(case when action='answer' then 1 else 0 end) as num_answer From survey_log Group by question_id) as tbl Order by (num_answer/num_show) DESC LIMIT1 How to deal with null value: 注意要考虑到null的情况也是<1000 ,但是系统不会记入 Answer: SELECT NAME,BONUS FROM EMPLOYEE LEFT JOIN BONUS ON EMPLOYEE.EMPID=BONUS.EMPID WHERE BONUS<1000 OR BONUS IS NULL 不可以用where as where is inner join Select name,bonus from employee.bonus Where … Answer: Select name from customer Where referr_id<>2 or referee_id is null Investments in 2016 Answer: 利用subquery SELECT SUM(INSURANCE.TIV_2016) AS TIV_2016 FROM INSURANCE WHERE INSURANCE.TIV_2015 IN #注意语法 要先写这个field然后in 而不是where (select) (SELECT TIV_2015 FROM INSURANCE GROUP BY TIV_2015 HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ) AND CONCAT(LAT,LON) IN (SELECT CONCAT(LAT,LON) FROM INSURANCE GROUP BY LAT,LON HAVING COUNT(*)=1) UDPATE Sentence in SQL Answer: UPDATE SALARY SET SEX=CASE SEX WHEN 'M' THEN 'F' ELSE 'M' END; hints: 当我们要选取second biggest number或者只出现了一次的biggest nb的时候,注意可以先select max 然后通过subquery的形式进一步限制条件 Answer: SELECT MAX(num) AS num FROM (SELECT. check 1point3acres for more. num FROM number GROUP BY num HAVING COUNT(num) = 1) AS t Answer: SELECT America, Asia, Europe FROM (SELECT @as:=0, @am:=0, @eu:=0) t, (SELECT @as:=@as + 1 AS asid, name AS Asia FROM student WHERE. From 1point 3acres bbs continent = 'Asia' ORDER BY Asia) AS t1 RIGHT JOIN (SELECT @am:=@am + 1 AS amid, name AS America FROM student WHERE continent = 'America' ORDER BY America) AS t2 ON asid = amid LEFT JOIN (SELECT @eu:=@eu + 1 AS euid, name AS Europe FROM student WHERE continent = 'Europe' ORDER BY Europe) AS t3 ON amid = euid Second degree follower Basically is to count follower's follower Option 1: Select distinct follower, num from follow, (select followee, count(distinct follower) as num from follow Group by followee) t Where follower=t.followee Order by follower Option 2: Select f1.follower, count(distinct f2.follower) as num From follow f1 Join follow f2 on f1.follower=f2.followee Group by f1.follower Order by f1.follower Select min(abs(p1.x-p2.x)) as shortest from point as P1 JOIN POINT AS P2 ON P1.X <>P2.X SELECT ROUND(SQRT(MIN(POW(A.X-B.X,2)+POW(A.Y-B.Y,2))),2) SHORTEST FROM POINT_2D A,POINT_2D B WHERE (A.X,A.Y)!=(B.X,B.Y) MULTIPLE TABLES JOIN 两种做法: 三个表格的关系可能是,第一个table和第三个有common field 然后第二个和第三个有common field。这是可以先把第一个和第三个连接起来,然后用连接后的表和第二个join 找另一个表的info不再这个表上的可以考虑用subquery Option 1: Select s.name from salesperson s Where s.sales_id not in (select o.sales_id from orders o left join company c on o.com_id=c.com_id Where c.name='RED') Option 2: SELET NAME FROM SALESPERSON WHERE NAME NOT IN( SELECT S.NAME FROM SALESPERSON S,COMPANY C, ORDERS O WHERE S.SALES_ID=O.SALES_ID AND C.COM_ID=O.COM_ID AND C.NAME='RED') Friend requests: who has the most friends Friend request example. No difference between requester and accepter then we can use union Select id1 as id, count(id2) as num from (select requester_id as id1, acccpter_id as id2 from request_accepted Union Select accepter_id as id1, requester_id as id2 from Request_accepted) temp1 Group by id1 Order by num desc limit 1 Answer: Select customer_number from orders Group by custoemr_number Order by count(*) desc limit 1 How to join Consecutive numbers on id 注意: join的关键不在于每个表格都要在不同的位置出现 在下题其实s2,s3并不重要,最重要的是s1的位置,s1一定要在第一位,第二位,第三位都出现,就完成了 Option SELECT DISTINCT S1.* FROM stadium S1 JOIN stadium S2 #注意join语句是可以直接join一个以上的表然后再一起写on条件 JOIN stadium S3 ON ((S1.id = S2.id - 1 AND S1.id = S3.id -2) #s1<s2<s3 s1在末尾 OR (S3.id = S1.id - 1 AND S3.id = S2.id -2) #s3<s1<s2 s1在中间 OR (S3.id = S2.id - 1 AND S3.id = S1.id -2)) #s3<s2<s1 s1在头顶 WHERE S1.people >= 100 AND S2.people >= 100 AND S3.people >= 100. 1point3acres ORDER BY S1.id;-baidu 1point3acres . check 1point3acres for more. Option 2 Select s1.* from stadium as s2, stadium as s2, stadium as s3. From 1point 3acres bbs Where ((s1.id+1=s2.id And s1.id+2=s3.id) Or (s1.id-1=s2.id And s1.id+1=s3.id) Or (s1.id-2=s2.id And s1.id-1=s3.id)) And s1.people>=100 And s2.people>=100 And s3.people>=100 Group by s1.id
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