Social Network Analysis
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In the matrix, if there is weight, fill in the weight; if not, boolean.The matrix is symmetric if the network has no direction and all connected (*). Drawback: waste of space, not an efficient format if large size. Use . Solution: Sparse matrix format, or the next option: adjacency list. Good news: checking takes only O(1) (*hash table?)
eg.1 with weight, but no direction, no order eg.2 without weight, with direction, no order O(V+E) memory, harder (compared to 👆) to check whether 2 nodes are connected; quick retrieval of a node's neighbors.
Nodes: path between nodes
Graph: path between every pair of nodes.
giant component
cliques: all connected
degree 1: d, d's direct friend, and edges between them
degree 1.5: plus the connections between friends. and it's also ok to exclude d in it, bc it's obvious by definition.
node degree: in or out, number of edges on a node.
degree distribution: statistical summary of the degrees in the network; absolute frequency (histogram)
density: edges/total_possible_edges; percentage of the edges in the graph. total_possible_edges = N*(N-1)/2, if it's non-directed.
clustering coefficient (transitivity):
Local transitivity: density of 1.5 degree, with ego excluded. eg 6 total, itself excluded, N=5. meaning: the possibility that ego's friends are connected.
Global transitivity: calculate the local transitivity for every node, and then take average.
Probabilistic Counting Algorithms for Data Base
Pain Point: Find roughly how many unique nodes there are.
Idea: First, 1/2 of integers are even (divisible for 2).
1/4 of the integers are divisible for 4,
Second, Replicate the idea, translate the number to binary. The 2s, 4s, and 8s will be 10, 100, 1000.
Now the problem becomes a 'finding the max', get the number of zeros in the representation, then we can get the approximation with O(n).
<Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior>
Pain point: what do 'likes' on facebook reveal?
Idea: Convert the 'like matrix' to 'component matrix' through SVD, then run logistic regression.
<Predicting Individual Behavior with Social Networks>
Pain Point: Can marketers predict individual behavior with social networks? Is it worth it?
Idea: Pilot study, sort the probability in a descending order.
L=A-D (adjacency-degree)
Pros: predict friendship (link connection) Cons: sparse matrix size potential way: laplacian embedding, select the top k eignen vectors from the laplacian matrix. However, still need to store the original matrix in memory, still costly.
Create a document-term-matrix(DTM), potential problem is (1) there are way more columns than the entries. (2) because words are related, we cannot assume an IID of the columns A potential solution is to map them to topics, and instead of finding the frequency of word, we find the percentage of each topic from each doc.
(1) way: Use a taxonomy like WordNet(that tells the synonym of word) that has hypernyms relationship (2) way: use domain knowledge to create synonym set (3) a vector form, turn each word into a vector, and look at its neighbors: the meaning of words can be known through the company it keeps. Summarize the cooccurrence relationship, use a matrix here, and check the cosine similarities. problem is the cooccurrence matrix size will increase, we can surely run a SVD or PCA on that matrix and reduce the dimensionality. Once with a low-dimensional vector, can run similarity test. another way is to do a gradient descent, 'how likely that this word will cooccur with some other words'. input: word, output: neighboring words, multi-class classification, and the number of class is the number of vocabulary
In a network setting, the idea is similar. The neighboring nodes of a neighbor is very similar to the neighboring word. Use word2vec on graph. input: node in network, output: network
Treat the node sequence as sentences. biased second order random walk, 'random walk with memory'.The nodes that are most similar to the original point will have more weights in a random walk.
Node to work paper: BFS: more incliend to explore the local neighborhood; DFS: more inclined to explore the neighbors
return parameter p: the likelihood to return where i was in=class parameter q:
Step 1: Generate random walks Step 2: Treat nodes as words, sequences as sentences, use word2vec to reduce dimensions Step 3: Use node vectors for other tasks (eg. prediction or link prediction)