Graph Search DFS1 (Back Tracking)
枚举所有可能 DFS从算法的层面说这是一个search algorithm, 在实现层面用recursion (所以意味着也可以用iterative)DFS和Back Tracking其实是一回事,DFS的search往下走,backtracking只是在触底后反弹的动作
回溯法:多阶段决策问题(multistage decision problem),所解决的问题需要分成多阶段,每个阶段做一个具体的决策。可以采用递归的写法,更系统地一次性获取决策的组合。
模板的pseudo code:
从根节点走到叶子节点,走过的边形成的集合就是包含了每个阶段所做具体decision的集合,也就是一个answer set。相当于深度优先遍历,pre-order地遍历根到叶子的所有compatible路径。
current position做深度优先遍历
容易漏的点:如果没有answer remove,那么在下一个阶段的选择时还会记住上一个阶段的所有选择,结果就错了。在Back Tracking的时候一模一样的路径不走两次,每次选择时不记得之前的世界线。
白板/coding pad 画出recursion tree
这个树多少层 这是base case
每个node分出多少状态需要尝试(node有几个叉) 这意味着调用自己多少次
Distinct numbers (Generate all permutations from)
3 important things for solving problem with backtracking:
Is this a multistage decision problem? (get a single permutation)
What decision we will make for a given stage? (pick a number from input)
Is there any compatibility concern? (the number we pick at the current stage should not be the same as those we picked earlier)
但是不管哪种方法,在test for compatibility的时候,这个检查都是O(n)的。如果想在这里优化,要么建一个Hashset,要么就复用输入的nums,去分析nums的每一个能放的位置,把能放的数字放进结果集的list里。
高阶 swap-swap,in place
Time: O(n!)*n=O(n!*n) Space: O(n^2) on call stack, the maximum height is n, and at each level, we create a set with space cost of O(n), so O(n*n)
With Duplicates (Generate all permutations)
Input: [1,2,2]
Output: [1,2,2] [2,1,2] [2,2,1]
Note: [1, 2a, 2b] is the same as [1, 2b, 2a]
As compared to the above, we cannot use the same compatibility test
For the same stage, we could not use the same value twice. Use a collection to store the choices we have tried so far at a given stage.
For the different stages, a value could be used if and only if the total number of time this value has occurred previously +1 <= # of time this value occurs in the input. Or in other words, the total time previously < # of time in the input.
From a set of distinct integers (Generate all subsets)
3 important things for solving problem with backtracking:
Is this a multistage decision problem? (get a single subset)
What decision we will make for a given stage? (pick or not pick this number)
Is there any compatibility concern? (no)
Difference between subset and permutation is, for permutation, at each stage we must choose some value, but for subsetting, omitting is also a valid option. The decision made at each stage is thus no longer 'which number to pick', with a total stage of N input; but rather, 'to pick or not' is the decision at each stage.
input 是 input string, index是第几层,solutionprefix是当前node存了什么,Java里也不能加名片本身,因为要solutions.add(solutionPrefix.toString())
leaf node以上,所有node的时间复杂度分别O(1), 这些总共是2^n*O(1). leaf node因为需要打印或append,所以这一层的每个node的时间复杂度都是O(n), 这一层的时间复杂度是O(n)*2^n. 总的时间复杂度是O(2^n*n)
关于base case
return 都得return,除非if外面的和if里的互斥,下面的不会执行;或者外面有个else,相当于外面有一个return
一样,即使base case有append,这里也要配对的pop;如果append两个,配对pop两个
With duplicates (Generate all subsets)
If we decide not to pick a value for stage i, then for all the same values after stage i, we will make the same decision.
[2a, 2b, 2c] [N, N, N] [Y, N, N] [Y, Y, N] [Y, Y, Y]
Time O(99^4)
Generate all Valid Parentheses
Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
Is this a multistage decision problem? (get a single balanced sequence)
What decision we will make for a given stage? (left or right parentheses)
Is there any compatibility concern? (if there is no left bracket on its left to match the current ), then we cannot put the ) at the current position).
During backtracking, we could record the number of remaining ( and the number of remaining );
or number of used ( and the number of used ). used‘(’==used‘)’时不能放')', 只有在左括号的数量多于右括号时才能加右括号。
Branching Factor, B, Height of the Tree, H; Time Complexity:
n对,2n层,每层代表一个位置,每个位置要么加左,要么加右;additional restrictions: 目前为止加了的左括号的数量大于目前加了的右括号的数量时才可以加。
时间: (2^2n)*n
Combinations k from n
Choose K from N.
In a total of K stages, for a given stage, possible answers:
Choose number from 1...n But!! (Problem is, in the compatibility test, we need to make sure first the number we choose is distinctive from each other; second combination(1,2) and combination (2,1) are the same. How to rule out the second possibility?)
Choose or not choose the corresponding number. But!! (Problem is, each selection has a different range)
Choose number but with a predefined order. We can do this so that the current number we pick will always be larger than the previous one. Yeah!!(This way, we don't need to consider compatibility)
Factor Combinations
N=f1*(N')=f1*(f2*(N''))=... 直到N‘’‘=1
需要注意的是,避免组合重复,所以在generation的时候要enforce an order。
最后prefer branching factor更小的写法
因为如果n=a*b, 那么一定有一个大于sqrtn一个小于sqrtn的,所以其实只需要for到sqrt,
Three Things:
base case
2. 数学归纳法,每层出来哪些不变可以用来check helper function对不对 (比如size不变等)
empty list != null, empty list is [], a list with size 0
list with empty string, [''], a list with size 1
null, nothing
array: length, 因为length是field,所以 .length
string/string builder: .length()
others: size()
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