Design a Parking Lot
Design a Parking Lot
Step 1: Understand / Analyze the Use Case (明确这个程序/系统是做什么的)
在问题领域 用自然语言描述问题是什么
Use Case: Describe the parking lot building. Vehicle monitoring? What kind of parking lot?
One level or multiple levels?
Parking-spot / vehicle sizes?
Need to track the location?
Step 2: Classes and their relationships
用程序语言 通过建模来描述问题
class relationships 区别 是否可以独立存在:
Composition: (has a) ownership relationship between two classes 手足
Aggregation: holds a reference of another, no real ownership 男女朋友
Association: an activity between 2 classes
inheritance (is a)
对于parking lot的语境,上级hold下级的reference
level无法脱离parking lot存在,所以是composition
parking spot无法脱离level存在,也是composition
vehicle和parking spot是aggregation
parking lot和vehicle是association、aggregation
方案比较 有level vs 没有level
1)Parking Lot -- Level -- Parking Spot 2) Parking Lot -- Parking Spot
1的好处是easy to evolve, 未来不但能扩展楼层数,还能specify每一层的功能 2的好处是方便prototyping
Step 3: For complicated designs, first focus on public methods 如何调用
Basic functionality: tell whether or not there is available spot in the parking lot
Possible Extensions: provide available spot locations, assign spot to the vehicle
Step 4: Complete Implementation
如果想要enforce一个规定个数的spots, 不能 private final <ParkingSpot> spots
因为这只防了一层,并不真的immutable。 Java中可以通过一个”防火墙“似的操作,把list的方法包起来,只通行一些方法。或者用spot=Collections.unmodifiableList(list)
Design a Web Crawler
Get web page content by URL
Parse the page and get hyperlinks
Deduplicate the links (do not download the same URL twice)
Put new target links to a Queue
Get next urls to be downloaded and parsed from the Queue
在领任务时它是consumer,在给出新urls时它是producer。应该用的是blocking queue,因为它是一个multi-threaded process,在queue为空时...
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