Single Scattering Albedo
Vector (Polarized) Radiative Transfer in the Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean System, the single Scattering Approximation. This is a walk-through document for the VRT_v8.m
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Vector (Polarized) Radiative Transfer in the Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean System, the single Scattering Approximation. This is a walk-through document for the VRT_v8.m
Last updated
The single scattering albedo is , and the total optical depth . The setting satisfies single-scattering approximation, . The incident solar flux is an unpolarized light, . In the following case example, the angles are set as follows, , where are the polar angle and azimuth angle of the incident light , and the are for the corresponding observe angles .
Compute the Legendre-Gauss nodes ( ) and weights ( ) on an interval [-1,1] with truncation order nthetas ( ) using an outside function lgwt
, and retrieve the corresponding . Function lgwt
takes integral using Legendre-Gauss Quadrature.
The angle between the directions of incidence and observation is given by
In this test case, we only include one wavelength at 500 nm, number of moment 300+1, and load the six columns of greek constants from Mie_tool output
file, without delta fit.
The expression for the Fourier coefficients can be written as
and the recurrence relations
The rotations of reference plane are implicitly accounted for in the expansion method. In the following code, line 3~line6
uses functions defined outside.
calculates cases with m=0 and n=0, plm2
calculates cases with m=2 and n=2, plmn2
calculates cases with m=2, n=-2, and plm2
calculates cases with m=0 and n=2.
The general form of Stokes scattering matrix Fs (which is the ensemble-averaged Mueller matrix averaging over a small volume containing an ensemble of particles) is of the form:
Note that there are six independent elements for non-spherical particles.
The code should be adjusted as follows
In here, a more precise way to do it is to output the a1 to a4 and b1, b2 directly from the mie code. The method above, to compute them from alpha1~alpha4 and beta1 beta2 is actually taking a detour.
The radiative transfer equitation for diffuse polarized radiation, described in terms of the Stokes equations is given by
Now it's time to scale it to two-slab and multi-slab cases.
For a multilayered slab the corresponding solution is
Therefore, to achieve this functionality, just need to
(1) Evaluate the range to know what p is (2) Loop from p to n
The results are the same.
Similar results can be achieved
There are two representations for the phase matrix, and , where is used for the Stocks vector representation , and is for representation (or Chandrasekhar's representation). The connection between these two representations is simply , where the matrix is given by:
The phase matrix in representation is related to the phase matrix in as , and is given by:
The matrices are defined through
with . The functions and are the generalized spherical functions.
We define .
For the functions are calculated as follow ( is the imaginary unit).
The equations above are taken from de Hann's 1987 paper, eq. 74 to 81
, in .
Read in the phase moments from the 'mie_output_small2.dat'
file to alphas and betas (line 2~8
). Suppressing the dependence, the following equations are for cases of non-spherical particles.
If we want to study spherical particles, there are four independent components, , given
So far, we have calculated the scattering matrix . The phase matrix is related to the scattering matrix by . is a rotation matrix used to rotate reference planes, and it transforms phase matrix from the scattering plane to local meridian plane of reference.
Then use (line 10
in the following code snippet).
, where is the Chandrasekhar's Stocks vector representation.
Another way to find is by first finding the transformed rotation matrix elements and , and .
Ignore the multiple-scattering term, we have
The source term is defined as
The diffused intensity in upward direction can be derived as
For the intensity at the top of the layer ( ), the above equation becomes
Isolate the Azimuthal dependence, we get the Chandraskhar's representation of
As for the Stocks representation, we just need to read out the calculated using the equation from the above.
with replaced by for n=p. p is the layer at which level that we are trying to evaluate, is the optical depth from the top of the slab to the p-th layer, and n is the total number of layer.
is the depth measured from the top slab to any layer p. The subscript numbers get larger as more layers are accumulated downwards.
As an example, for a 2 layer slab, with
If evaluate on the bottom layer, say