Single Scattering Albedo

Vector (Polarized) Radiative Transfer in the Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean System, the single Scattering Approximation. This is a walk-through document for the VRT_v8.m

The single scattering albedo is a=1a=1 , and the total optical depth τ=0.01\tau^{\star}=0.01 . The setting satisfies single-scattering approximation, a×τ=0.011a \times \tau^{\star}=0.01\ll1. The incident solar flux is an unpolarized light, F=[0.5,0.5,0,0]F=[0.5, 0.5, 0, 0]. In the following case example, the angles are set as follows, θ=0o,μ=1,ϕ=0o;θ=[0o,180],μ=[1,1],ϕ=60o\theta^{\prime}=0^{o}, \mu^{\prime}=1, \phi^{\prime}=0^{o} ; \theta=\left[0^{o}, 180^{\circ}\right], \mu=[-1,1], \phi=60^{o} , where θ,ϕ\theta^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime} are the polar angle and azimuth angle of the incident light Ω\Omega^{\prime} , and the θ,ϕ\theta , \phi are for the corresponding observe angles Ω\Omega .

a = 1;
tau = 0.01;
F = [.5;.5;0;0];

thetap = 0.00001;
mup = cos(thetap*pi/180);

phip = 0;
phi = 60;

Compute the Legendre-Gauss nodes ( cthetactheta ) and weights ( WeightWeight ) on an interval [-1,1] with truncation order nthetas ( ntheta=400ntheta=400 ) using an outside function lgwt, and retrieve the corresponding thetasthetas. Function lgwt takes integral using Legendre-Gauss Quadrature.

nthetas = 400;

[ctheta, Weight] = lgwt(nthetas,-1,1);
theta = acos(ctheta)*180/pi;

The angle Θ\Theta between the directions of incidence Ω\Omega and observation Ω\Omega^{\prime} is given by

cosΘ=cosθcosθ+sinθsinθcos(ϕϕ)\cos \Theta=\cos \theta^{\prime} \cos \theta+\sin \theta^{\prime} \sin \theta \cos \left(\phi^{\prime}-\phi\right)

There are two representations for the phase matrix, PS\mathbf{P}_{S} and PC\mathbf{P}_{C}, where PS\mathbf{P}_{S} is used for the Stocks vector representation IS=[I,Q,U,V]T\mathbf{I}_{S}=[I, Q, U, V]^{T}, and PC\mathbf{P}_{C} is for IC=[I,I,U,V]T\mathbf{I}_{C}=\left[I_{ \|}, I_{\perp}, U, V\right]^{T} representation (or Chandrasekhar's representation). The connection between these two representations is simply IS=DIC\mathbf{I}_{S} = \mathbf{DI}_{C} , where the matrix D\mathbf{D} is given by:

D(1100110000100001)\mathbf{D} \equiv\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{1} & {1} & {0} & {0} \\ {1} & {-1} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {1} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} & {1}\end{array}\right)

The phase matrix PC\mathbf{P}_{C} in IC=[I,I,U,V]T\mathbf{I}_{C}=\left[I_{ \|}, I_{\perp}, U, V\right]^{T} representation is related to the phase matrix PS\mathbf{P}_{S} in IS=[I,Q,U,V]T\mathbf{I}_{S}=[I, Q, U, V]^{T} as PC=D1PSD\mathbf{P}_{C}=\mathbf{D}^{-1} \mathbf{P}_{S} \mathbf{D}, and D1\mathbf{D}^{-1}is given by:

D1=(12120012120000100001)\mathbf{D}^{-1}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{\frac{1}{2}} & {\frac{1}{2}} & {0} & {0} \\ {\frac{1}{2}} & {-\frac{1}{2}} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {1} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} & {1}\end{array}\right)

cTheta = mup*ctheta+sqrt((1-mup^2)*(1-ctheta.^2))*cos((phip-phi)/180*pi);
Theta = acos(cTheta)*180/pi;

D = [1 1 0 0;...
    1 -1 0 0;...
    0 0 1 0;...
    0 0 0 1];

In this test case, we only include one wavelength at 500 nm, number of moment 300+1, and load the six columns of greek constants from Mie_tool output file, without delta fit.

number of wavelength
numwl = 1;
% number of moment
nmom = 300+1;

fname1 = 'mie_output_small2.dat';
fid1 = fopen(fname1);

rawdata1(1, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 3);
% rawdata1(2, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);
% rawdata1(3, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);
% rawdata1(4, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);
% rawdata1(5, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);
% rawdata1(6, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);
% rawdata1(7, :) = textscan(fid1, '%f %f %f %f %f %f', nmom, 'headerLines', 4);

rawdata2 = cell2mat(rawdata1);
µdata2 = zeros(nmom, 6, numwl);µ

The expression for the Fourier coefficients can be written as

Am(τ,u,u)==m2N1Pm(u)Λ(τ)Pm(u)\mathbf{A}^{m}\left(\tau, u^{\prime}, u\right)=\sum_{\ell=m}^{2 N-1} \mathbf{P}_{\ell}^{m}(u) \boldsymbol{\Lambda}_{\ell}(\tau) \mathbf{P}_{\ell}^{m}\left(u^{\prime}\right)


Λ(τ)=(α1β100β1α20000α3β200β2α4)\boldsymbol{\Lambda}_{\ell}(\tau)=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{\alpha_{1}^{\ell}} & {\beta_{1}^{\ell}} & {0} & {0} \\ {\beta_{1}^{\ell}} & {\alpha_{2}^{\ell}} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {\alpha_{3}^{\ell}} & {\beta_{2}^{\ell}} \\ {0} & {0} & {-\beta_{2}^{\ell}} & {\alpha_{4}^{\ell}}\end{array}\right)

The matrices Pm(±μ)P_{\ell}^{m}( \pm \mu) are defined through

Pm(u)=(Pm,0(u)0000Pm,+(u)Pm,(u)00Pm,(u)Pm,+(u)0000Pm,0(u))\mathbf{P}_{\ell}^{m}(u)=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{P_{\ell}^{m, 0}(u)} & {0} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {P_{\ell}^{m,+}(u)} & {P_{\ell}^{m,-}(u)} & {0} \\ {0} & {P_{\ell}^{m,-}(u) P_{\ell}^{m,+}(u)} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} & {P_{\ell}^{m, 0}(u)}\end{array}\right)

with Pm,±(u)=12[Pm,2(u)±Pm,2(u)]P_{\ell}^{m, \pm}(u)=\frac{1}{2}\left[P_{\ell}^{m,-2}(u) \pm P_{\ell}^{m, 2}(u)\right]. The functions Pm,0(u)P_{\ell}^{m, 0}(u) and Pm,±2(u)P_{\ell}^{m, \pm 2}(u) are the generalized spherical functions.

We define Pm,n(u)=0 for <max{m,n}P_{\ell}^{m,n}(u)=0 \quad \text { for } \ell<\max \{|m|,|n|\}.

For >max{m,n}\ell>\max \{|m|,|n|\} the functions are calculated as follow (ii is the imaginary unit).

Pmm,0(u)=(2i)m[(2m)!m!m!]1/2(1u2)m/2(m0)P20,±2(u)=146(1u2)(m=0)P21,±2(u)=±(2i)1(1u2)1/2(1±u)(m=1)Pmm,±2(u)=(2i)m[(2m)!(m+2)!(m2)!]1/2×(1u)(m2)/2(1+u)(m±2)/2(m2)\begin{aligned} P_{m}^{m, 0}(u)=(2 i)^{-m}\left[\frac{(2 m) !}{m ! m !}\right]^{1 / 2}\left(1-u^{2}\right)^{m / 2} \quad(m \geq 0) \end{aligned} \\ \begin{aligned} P_{2}^{0, \pm 2}(u)=\frac{-1}{4} \sqrt{6}\left(1-u^{2}\right) \quad(m=0)\end{aligned} \\ \begin{aligned} P_{2}^{1, \pm 2}(u)=\pm(2 i)^{-1}\left(1-u^{2}\right)^{1 / 2}(1 \pm u) \quad(m=1)\end{aligned} \\ \begin{aligned} P_{m}^{m, \pm 2}(u)=&-(2 i)^{-m}\left[\frac{(2 m) !}{(m+2) !(m-2) !}\right]^{1 / 2} \times(1-u)^{(m \mp 2) / 2}(1+u)^{(m \pm 2) / 2} \quad(m \geq 2) \end{aligned}

and the recurrence relations

(+1)2m2P+1m,0(u)=(2+1)uPm,0(u)2m2P1m,0(u)\sqrt{(\ell+1)^{2}-m^{2}} P_{\ell+1}^{m, 0}(u)=(2 \ell+1) u P_{\ell}^{m, 0}(u)-\sqrt{\ell^{2}-m^{2}} P_{\ell-1}^{m, 0}(u)

The equations above are taken from de Hann's 1987 paper, eq. 74 to 81, in The adding method for multiple scattering calculations of polarized light\textit{The adding method for multiple scattering calculations of polarized light}.

The rotations of reference plane are implicitly accounted for in the expansion method. In the following code, line 3~line6 uses functions defined outside.

plm0 calculates cases with m=0 and n=0, plm2 calculates cases with m=2 and n=2, plmn2 calculates cases with m=2, n=-2, and plm2 calculates cases with m=0 and n=2.

nterms = length(data2);

p00 = plm0(0,nterms-1,ctheta);           % m=0, n=0
p22 = plm2(2,nterms-1,ctheta);           % m=2, n=2
p2n2 = plmn2(2,nterms-1,ctheta); %P subscript m=2, n=-2
p02 = plm2(0,nterms-1,ctheta); %P subscript m=0, n=2

Read in the phase moments from the 'mie_output_small2.dat' file to alphas and betas (line 2~8). Suppressing the a=ba = b dependence, the following equations are for cases of non-spherical particles.

a1(Θ)==02N1α1P0,0(cosΘ)a2(Θ)+a3(Θ)==22N1(α2+α3)P2,2(cosΘ)a2(Θ)a3(Θ)==22N1(α2α3)P2,2(cosΘ)a4(Θ)==02N1α4lP0,0(cosΘ)b1(Θ)==22N1β1P0,2(cosΘ)b2(Θ)==22N1β2P0,2(cosΘ)\begin{aligned} a_{1}(\Theta)=\sum_{\ell=0}^{2 N-1} \alpha_{1}^{\ell} P_{\ell}^{0,0}(\cos \Theta) \\ a_{2}(\Theta)+a_{3}(\Theta)=\sum_{\ell=2}^{2 N-1}\left(\alpha_{2}^{\ell}+\alpha_{3}^{\ell}\right) P_{\ell}^{2,2}(\cos \Theta) \\ a_{2}(\Theta)-a_{3}(\Theta)=\sum_{\ell=2}^{2 N-1}\left(\alpha_{2}^{\ell}-\alpha_{3}^{\ell}\right) P_{\ell}^{2,-2}(\cos \Theta) \\ a_{4}(\Theta) &=\sum_{\ell=0}^{2 N-1} \alpha_{4}^{l} P_{\ell}^{0,0}(\cos \Theta) \\ b_{1}(\Theta) &=\sum_{\ell=2}^{2 N-1} \beta_{1}^{\ell} P_{\ell}^{0,2}(\cos \Theta) \\ b_{2}(\Theta) &=\sum_{\ell=2}^{2 N-1} \beta_{2}^{\ell} P_{\ell}^{0,2}(\cos \Theta) \end{aligned}

The general form of Stokes scattering matrix Fs (which is the ensemble-averaged Mueller matrix averaging over a small volume containing an ensemble of particles) is of the form:

FS(Θ)=(a1(Θ)b1(Θ)00b1(Θ)a2(Θ)0000a3(Θ)b2(Θ)00b2(Θ)a4(Θ))\mathbf{F}_{S}(\Theta)=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{a_{1}(\Theta)} & {b_{1}(\Theta)} & {0} & {0} \\ {b_{1}(\Theta)} & {a_{2}(\Theta)} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {a_{3}(\Theta)} & {b_{2}(\Theta)} \\ {0} & {0} & {-b_{2}(\Theta)} & {a_{4}(\Theta)}\end{array}\right)

Note that there are six independent elements for non-spherical particles.

for i = 1:1        %1:numwl
    data2(:, :, i) = rawdata2((1+nmom*(i-1):nmom*i), 1:end);
    alpha1(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 1, i);
    alpha2(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 2, i);
    alpha3(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 3, i);
    alpha4(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 4, i);
    beta1(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 5, i);
    beta2(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 6, i);
    a1(:, i, 1) = alpha1(:,i, 2)' * p00; % Eq.68
    a4(:, i, 1) = alpha4(:,i, 2)' * p00; % Eq.71
    b1(:, i, 1) = beta1(:,i, 2)' * p02; % Eq.72
    b2(:, i, 1) = beta2(:,i, 2)' * p02; % Eq.73
    a2(:, i, 1) = .5*((alpha2(:,i, 2) + alpha3(:,i, 2))' * p22 + (alpha2(:,i, 2) - alpha3(:,i, 2))' * p2n2); %Eq.69+70
    a3(:, i, 1) = .5*((alpha2(:,i, 2) + alpha3(:,i, 2))' * p22 - (alpha2(:,i, 2) - alpha3(:,i, 2))' * p2n2); %Eq.69+70

If we want to study spherical particles, there are four independent components, a1(Θ),a3(Θ),b1(Θ),b2(Θ)a_{1}(\Theta), a_{3}(\Theta), b_{1}(\Theta), b_{2}(\Theta) , given a2(Θ)=a1(Θ),a4(Θ)=a1(Θ).a_{2}(\Theta)=a_{1}(\Theta), a_{4}(\Theta)=a_{1}(\Theta).

The code should be adjusted as follows

FS(Θ)=(a1(Θ)b1(Θ)00b1(Θ)a1(Θ)0000a3(Θ)b2(Θ)00b2(Θ)a3(Θ))\mathbf{F}_{S}(\Theta)=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{a_{1}(\Theta)} & {b_{1}(\Theta)} & {0} & {0} \\ {b_{1}(\Theta)} & {a_{1}(\Theta)} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {a_{3}(\Theta)} & {b_{2}(\Theta)} \\ {0} & {0} & {-b_{2}(\Theta)} & {a_{3}(\Theta)}\end{array}\right)
for i = 1:1        %1:numwl
    data2(:, :, i) = rawdata2((1+nmom*(i-1):nmom*i), 1:end);
    alpha1(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 1, i);
    alpha2(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 2, i);
    alpha3(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 3, i);
    alpha4(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 4, i);
    beta1(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 5, i);
    beta2(:, i, 2) = data2(:, 6, i);
    a1(:, i, 1) = alpha1(:,i, 2)' * p00; % Eq.68
    a4(:, i, 1) = alpha4(:,i, 2)' * p00; % Eq.71
    b1(:, i, 1) = beta1(:,i, 2)' * p02; % Eq.72
    b2(:, i, 1) = beta2(:,i, 2)' * p02; % Eq.73
    a2(:, i, 1) = a1(:,i, 1) 
    a3(:, i, 1) = a4(:,i, 1) 


In here, a more precise way to do it is to output the a1 to a4 and b1, b2 directly from the mie code. The method above, to compute them from alpha1~alpha4 and beta1 beta2 is actually taking a detour.

So far, we have calculated the scattering matrix FS\mathbf{F}_{S}. The phase matrix PS\mathbf{P}_{S} is related to the scattering matrix by PS(u,ϕ,u,ϕ)=RS(πσ2)FS(Θ)RS(σ1)\mathbf{P}_{S}\left(u^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime}, u, \phi\right)=\mathbf{R}_{S}\left(\pi-\sigma_{2}\right) \mathbf{F}_{S}(\Theta) \mathbf{R}_{S}\left(-\sigma_{1}\right). RS\mathbf{R}_{S} is a rotation matrix used to rotate reference planes, and it transforms phase matrix from the scattering plane to local meridian plane of reference.

RS(η)=[10000cos(2η)sin(2η)00sin(2η)cos(2η)00001]\mathbf{R}_{S}(\eta)=\left[\begin{array}{cccc}{1} & {0} & {0} & {0} \\ {0} & {\cos (2 \eta)} & {-\sin (2 \eta)} & {0} \\ {0} & {\sin (2 \eta)} & {\cos (2 \eta)} & {0} \\ {0} & {0} & {0} & {1}\end{array}\right]

Then use PC=D1PSD\mathbf{P}_{C}=\mathbf{D}^{-1} \mathbf{P}_{S} \mathbf{D} (line 10 in the following code snippet).

FC(Θ)=D1FS(Θ)D\mathbf{F}_{C}(\Theta)=\mathbf{D}^{-1} \mathbf{F}_{S}(\Theta) \mathbf{D}, where FC(Θ)\mathbf{F}_{C}(\Theta) is the Chandrasekhar's Stocks vector representation.

Another way to find PC\mathbf{P}_{C} is by first finding the transformed rotation matrix elements R~S(πσ2)\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{S}\left(\pi-\sigma_{2}\right) and R~S(σ1)\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{S}\left(-\sigma_{1}\right), and PC=R~S(πσ2)PSR~S(σ1)\mathbf{P}_{C}=\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{S} (\pi-\sigma_{2})\mathbf{P}_{S} \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{S}(-\sigma_{1}).

The radiative transfer equitation for diffuse polarized radiation, described in terms of the Stokes equations is given by

μdI(τ,μ,ϕ)dτ=I(τ,μ,ϕ)a(τ)4π02πdϕ11dμP(τ,μ,ϕ;μ,ϕ)I(τ,μ,ϕ)+S(τ,μ,ϕ)\mu \frac{d \vec{I}(\tau, \mu, \phi)}{d \tau}=\vec{I}(\tau, \mu, \phi)-\frac{a(\tau)}{4 \pi} \int_{0}^{2 \pi} d \phi^{\prime} \int_{-1}^{1} d \mu^{\prime} \vec{P}\left(\tau, \mu, \phi ; \mu^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime}\right) \vec{I}\left(\tau, \mu^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime}\right)+\vec{S}(\tau, \mu, \phi)

Ignore the multiple-scattering term, we have μdI(τ,μ,ϕ)dτ=I(τ,μ,ϕ)+S(τ,μ,ϕ)\mu \frac{d \vec{I}(\tau, \mu, \phi)}{d \tau}=\vec{I}(\tau, \mu, \phi)+\vec{S}(\tau, \mu, \phi)

The source term is defined as S(τ,μ,ϕ)=a(τ)Fs4πP(μ,ϕ;μ,ϕ)eτ/μ0\vec{S}(\tau, \mu, \phi)=\frac{a(\tau) F^{s}}{4 \pi} \vec{P}\left(\mu^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime} ; \mu, \phi\right) e^{-\tau / \mu_{0}}

The diffused intensity in upward direction can be derived as Id+(τ,μ,ϕ)=a(τ)μ0Fs4π(μ+μ0)P(μ,ϕ;μ,ϕ)[eτ/μ0e[(ττ)/μ+τ/μ0]]\vec{I}_{d}^{+}(\tau, \mu, \phi)=\frac{a(\tau) \mu_{0} F^{s}}{4 \pi\left(\mu+\mu_{0}\right)} \vec{P}\left(\mu^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime} ; \mu, \phi\right)\left[e^{-\tau / \mu_{0}}-e^{-\left[\left(\tau^{*}-\tau\right) / \mu+\tau^{*} / \mu_{0}\right]}\right]

For the intensity at the top of the layer ( τ=0\tau=0 ), the above equation becomes

Id+(0,μ,ϕ)=a(τ)μ0Fs4π(μ+μ0)P(μ,ϕ;μ,ϕ)[1e(τ/μ+τ/μ0)]\vec{I}_{d}^{+}(0, \mu, \phi)=\frac{a(\tau) \mu_{0} F^{s}}{4 \pi\left(\mu+\mu_{0}\right)} \vec{P}\left(\mu^{\prime}, \phi^{\prime} ; \mu, \phi\right)\left[1-e^{-\left(\tau^{*} / \mu+\tau^{*} / \mu_{0}\right)}\right]

Isolate the Azimuthal dependence, we get the Chandraskhar's representation of Id+(τ,μ,ϕ)\vec{I}_{d}^{+}(\tau, \mu, \phi)

I(τ,u,ϕ)=m=02N1{Icm(τ,u)cosm(ϕ0ϕ)+Ism(τ,u)sinm(ϕ0ϕ)}Qδ(τ,u,ϕ)=m=02N1{Qcδm(τ,u)cosm(ϕ0ϕ)+Qsδm(τ,u)sinm(ϕ0ϕ)}\begin{aligned} \mathbf{I}(\tau, u, \phi)=& \sum_{m=0}^{2 N-1}\left\{\mathbf{I}_{c}^{m}(\tau, u) \cos m\left(\phi_{0}-\phi\right)+\mathbf{I}_{s}^{m}(\tau, u) \sin m\left(\phi_{0}-\phi\right)\right\} \\ \mathbf{Q}_{\delta}(\tau, u, \phi)=& \sum_{m=0}^{2 N-1}\left\{\mathbf{Q}_{c \delta}^{m}(\tau, u) \cos m\left(\phi_{0}-\phi\right)+\mathbf{Q}_{s \delta}^{m}(\tau, u) \sin m\left(\phi_{0}-\phi\right)\right\} \end{aligned}

As for the Stocks representation, we just need to read out the Id+(0,μ,ϕ)\vec{I}_{d}^{+}(0, \mu, \phi) calculated using the equation from the above.

IC=[I,Ir,U,V]T=IS=[I,I,U,V]T\mathbf{I}_{C}=\left[I_{\ell}, I_{r}, U, V\right]^{T}=\mathbf{I}_{S}=\left[I_{ \|}, I_{\perp}, U, V\right]^{T}
for j = 1:length(phi)
    for i = 1:length(theta)
        Fs(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = [a1(i,1), b1(i,1), 0, 0; b1(i,1), a2(i,1), 0, 0; 0, 0, a3(i,1), b2(i,1); 0, 0, -b2(i,1), a4(i,1)];

        [Rs1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i), Rs2(:,:,(j-1)*181+i)] = Rs(mup, ctheta(i), cTheta(i));

        Fc(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = D^-1 * Fs(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * D;        

        Ps(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = Rs2(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * Fs(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * Rs1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i);
        Pc(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = D^-1 * Ps(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * D;
        Rs1_1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = D^-1 * Rs1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * D;
        Rs2_1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = D^-1 * Rs2(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * D;        
        Pc_1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) = Rs2_1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * Fc(:,:,(j-1)*181+i) * Rs1_1(:,:,(j-1)*181+i);

        Id(:,i,j) = a*mup/4/pi/(abs(ctheta(i))+mup)*(1-exp(-(tau/abs(ctheta(i))+tau/mup)))*Pc(:,:,(j-1)*181+i)*F;
        Im(j,i) = 1*(real(Id(1,i,j))+real(Id(2,i,j)));
        Qm(j,i) = 1*(real(Id(1,i,j))-real(Id(2,i,j)));
        Il(j,i) = real(Id(1,i,j));
        Ir(j,i) = real(Id(2,i,j));
        U(j,i) = real(Id(3,i,j));
        V(j,i) = real(Id(4,i,j));
    some codes to plot the graphs

Now it's time to scale it to two-slab and multi-slab cases.

Single Multi-layer Slab

For a multilayered slab the corresponding solution is

Ip+(τ,μ,ϕ)=μ0(μ0+μ)n=pL{Xn+(μ,ϕ)×[e[τn1/μ0+(τn1τ)/μ]e[τn/μ0+(τnτ)/μ]]}\begin{aligned} \mathbf{I}_{p}^{+}(\tau, \mu, \phi)=& \frac{\mu_{0}}{\left(\mu_{0}+\mu\right)} \sum_{n=p}^{L}\left\{\mathbf{X}_{n}^{+}(\mu, \phi)\right.\\ &\left. \times\left[e^{-\left[\tau_{n-1} / \mu_{0}+\left(\tau_{n-1}-\tau\right) / \mu\right]}-e^{-\left[\tau_{n} / \mu_{0}+\left(\tau_{n}-\tau\right) / \mu\right]}\right]\right\} \end{aligned}

with τn1\tau_{n-1} replaced by τ\tau for n=p. p is the layer at which level that we are trying to evaluate, τp\tau_{p}is the optical depth from the top of the slab to the p-th layer, and n is the total number of layer.

Single, Two-layer slab

τ\tau is the depth measured from the top slab to any layer p. The subscript numbers get larger as more layers are accumulated downwards.

As an example, for a 2 layer slab, with τ1=0.0025,τ2=0.005,and we are evaluating an optical depth at τ=0.0024,which means p=1,the equations are\tau_{1}=0.0025, \tau_{2}=0.005, \text{and we are evaluating an optical depth at }\tau=0.0024, \text{which means }p=1, \text{the equations are}

I1+=μ0(μ0+μ)X1(eτμ0e(τ1μ0+τ1τμ))μ0(μ0+μ)+X2(e(τ1μ0+τ1τμ)e(τ2μ0+τ2τμ))\begin{array}{l}{I_{1}^{+}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{\left(\mu_{0}+\mu\right)} X_{1}\left(e^{-\frac{\tau}{\mu{0}}}-e^{-\left(\frac{\tau_{1}}{\mu_{0}}+\frac{\tau_{1}-\tau}{\mu}\right)}\right)} \\ \frac{\mu_{0}}{\left(\mu_{0}+\mu\right)} {+X_{2}\left(e^{-\left(\frac{\tau_{1}}{\mu_{0}}+\frac{\tau_{1}-\tau}{\mu}\right)}-e^{-\left(\frac{\tau_{2}}{\mu_{0}}+\frac{\tau_{2}-\tau}{\mu}\right)}\right)} \end{array}

If evaluate on the bottom layer, say τ=0.0026,which means p=2\tau=0.0026, \text{which means }p=2

I2+=μ0(μ0+μ)X2(eτμ0e(τ2μ0+τ2τμ))I_{2}^{+}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{\left(\mu_{0}+\mu\right)} X_{2}\left(e^{-\frac{\tau}{\mu_{0}}}-e^{-\left(\frac{\tau_{2}}{\mu_{0}}+\frac{\tau_{2}-\tau}{\mu}\right)}\right)

Therefore, to achieve this functionality, just need to

(1) Evaluate the range to know what p is (2) Loop from p to n

The results are the same.

Similar results can be achieved

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