定义:一个树的每个节点不超过2个child nodes
Copy class TreeNode :
def __init__ ( self , x ):
self . val = x
self . left = None
self . right = None
#self.parent = None
Copy root = TreeNode ( 10 )
root . left = TreeNode ( 5 )
root . right = TreeNode ( 10 )
其实,在SQL中的query plan tree也是一个 tree
分别是 前序、中序、后序 这个“前中后“是针对current node (or current root of the subtree)的。
Copy def pre_order ( root ):
if not root :
print (root.val)
pre_order (root.left)
pre_order (root.right)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def preOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
self . helper (root,result)
return result
def helper ( self , root , result ):
if not root :
return result
result . append (root.val)
self . helper (root.left, result)
self . helper (root.right, result)
Time Complexity O(c*n)=O(n) c=3
Space Complexity O(height) O(logn)=<hight<=O(n)
先左节点,然后处理自己,最后右子树 所以调整上面code的位置,4、5换一下
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def inOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
self . helper (root, result)
return result
def helper ( self , root , result ):
if not root :
return result
self . helper (root.left, result)
result . append (root.val)
self . helper (root.right, result)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def postOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
self . helper (root,result)
return result
def helper ( self , root , result ):
if not root :
return result
self . helper (root.left, result)
self . helper (root.right, result)
result . append (root.val)
面试Trick: Base Case: 通常,空节点是base case (但也有些时候叶子是base case)
常见Binary Tree类型
所有的问题都可以简化成一个问题, ask for boolean: 是否BST,是否BBT or ask for value: max, integer of sth. 因为:
每层node具备的性质,传递的值和下一层的性质 往往一致,很容易定义recursive rule
Base case (generally): null pointer under the leaf node
每层遵循同样的逻辑,比如 getheight的谁高取谁然后+1
Balanced Binary Tree
The depth difference between the left and the right subtrees of every node differ by 1 or less. 不满足的节点不一定是root。反例:大雁似的左右两撇。
所以要特别注意,如果一开始没有BBT,那么不能assume h=logn,因为此时应该是O(n),糖葫芦状。
Complete Binary Tree
complete binary tree一定是balanced binary tree
好处是有很好的locality,可以很简单的用array等物理连续的存储 做level order traversal时有紧凑的表示
Left Child Node Index = Parent Node Index * 2 +1
Right Child Node Index = Parent Node Index * 2 +2
Binary Search Tree
每一个 node的左子树的所有node值 比node小,右子树的所有值比node大
好处1是in-order print时是ascending order
好处2是方便查找,binary search似的,知道search的时候该往左还是往右
Bottom Up (从下往上返值 灵魂三问)
what do we expect from the left child/ right child?
what do you want to do in the current layer?
what do you want to return to your parent (same as 1)
以下这几个都是Time O(n) Space O(h)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def findHeight ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: int
# write your solution here
if not root :
return 0
left = self . findHeight (root.left)
right = self . findHeight (root.right)
return max (left, right) + 1
Copy def get_size ( root ):
if not root :
return 0
left = get_size (root.left)
right = get_size (root.right)
return left + right + 1
Copy def get_value ( root ):
if not root :
left = get_value (root.left)
right = get_value (root.right)
return left + right + root . value
求二叉树的left child总数
Copy class TreeNode :
def __init__ ( self , x ):
self . val = x
self . left = None
self . right = None
self . total_left = 0
def total_left ( self , node )
if not node :
left_total = get_value (node.left)
right_total = get_value (node.right)
node . total_left = left_total # functionality
return left + right + 1 # tell parent
Max difference in 左子树和右子树
Copy global_max = - 1 #因为None 和 一个节点是两种情况 这就做了区分
res = None
def node_diff ( root ):
if root is None :
return 0
left_total = node_diff (root.left)
right_total = node_diff (root.right)
global global_max
global res
if abs (left_total - right_total) > global_max :
global_max = abs (left_total - right_total)
res = root
return left_total + right_total + 1
def get_max_dif ( root ):
global global_max
global res
node_diff (root)
return res
Copy class TreeNode :
def __init__ ( self , x ):
self . val = x
self . left = None
self . right = None
class ResultWrapper :
def __init__ ( self ):
self . global_max = - 1
self . solution = None
def max_diff_node ( root , res ):
if not root :
return 0
left_total = max_diff_node (root.left, res)
right_total = max_diff_node (root.right, res)
if abs (left_total - right_total) > res . global_max :
res . global_max = abs (left_total - right_total)
res . solution = root
return left_total + right_total + 1
def max_diff ( root ):
res = ResultWrapper () #生成object/instance
max_diff_node (root, res)
return res . solution
Find minimum Depth
From the root down to the nearest leaf node
Base Case不是None的例子
Copy def minDepth ( root ):
if not root :
return 0
if root . left is None and root . right is None :
return 1
left = minDepth (root.left) if root . left else float ( 'inf' )
right = minDepth (root.right) if root . right else float ( 'inf' )
return min (left, right) + 1
Copy def minDepth ( root ):
# Corner Case. Should never be hit unless the code is
# called on root = NULL
if root is None :
return 0
# Base Case : Leaf node.This acoounts for height = 1
if root . left is None and root . right is None :
return 1
# If left subtree is Null, recur for right subtree
if root . left is None :
return minDepth (root.right) + 1
# If right subtree is Null , recur for left subtree
if root . right is None :
return minDepth (root.left) + 1
return min ( minDepth (root.left), minDepth (root.right)) + 1
Longest Ascending Path Binary Tree
Copy def longest ( curr , parent , currlen ):
if not curr :
return currlen
size = 1
if parent and curr . val == parent . val + 1
size = currlen + 1
return max (currlen, longest (curr.left, curr, size), longest (curr.right, curr, size))
longest (root, None , 0 )
Lowest Common Ancestor 最小公共祖先
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def lowestCommonAncestor ( self , root , p , q ):
if not root :
return root
if root == p or root == q :
return root
ltree = self . lowestCommonAncestor (root.left, p, q)
rtree = self . lowestCommonAncestor (root.right, p, q)
if ltree and rtree :
return root
elif not ltree :
return rtree
else :
return ltree
是否Balanced Binary Tree
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def isBalanced ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: boolean
# write your solution here
if not root :
return True
left = self . getheight (root.left)
right = self . getheight (root.right)
if abs (left - right) > 1 :
return False
return self . isBalanced (root.left) and self . isBalanced (root.right)
def getheight ( self , root ):
if not root :
return 0
left = self . getheight (root.left)
right = self . getheight (root.right)
return max (left, right) + 1
recursion tree画出来后每一个node的时间复杂度之和。单独分析
Best Case:退化成单链表的tree,第一次算left和right时就return False, O(n) 下面的isBalanced就没有执行,只有root上的那一对getHeight
Worst Case : 刚好是个Balanced Tree ,必须每个node都要算一遍isBalanced O(nlogn)
Worst Case:退化成单链表的tree, O(n)
Best Case: 刚好是个Balanced Tree O(logn)
更好的,改一下get_height 让找到不平衡时提前终止, Time Complexity O(n)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def isBalanced ( self , root ):
if self . helper (root) == - 1
return False
else :
return True
def helper ( self , root ):
if not root :
return 0
left = self . get_height (root.left)
right = self . get_height (root.right)
if left ==- 1 or right ==- 1 :
return - 1
elif abs (left - right) > 1 :
return - 1
else :
return max (left, right) + 1
Symmetric Binary Tree
Best Case: 假如input不是balanced,极端情况是两个linked list,此时的recursion tree是一叉树,时间复杂度是O(n)
Python Java
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def isSymmetric ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: boolean
# write your solution here
if not root :
return True
return self . helper (root.left, root.right)
def helper ( self , left , right ):
if not left and not right :
return True
elif not left or not right :
return False
elif left . val != right . val :
return False
return self . helper (left.left, right.right) and self . helper (left.right, right.left)
Copy boolean isSymmetric( TreeNode left , TreeNode right) {
if (left == null && right == null ) {
return true ;
} else if (left == null || right == null ){
Return false;
} else if ( left . value != right . value ) {
return false ;
return isSymmetric( left . left , right . right ) && isSymmetric( left . right , right . left ) ;
Tweaked Identical Binary Trees
Python Java
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def isTweakedIdentical ( self , one , two ):
input: TreeNode one, TreeNode two
return: boolean
# write your solution here
if not one and not two :
return True
elif not one or not two :
return False
elif one . val != two . val :
return False
return (self . isTweakedIdentical (one.left, two.left) and self . isTweakedIdentical (one.right, two.right) ) or (self . isTweakedIdentical (one.left, two.right) and self . isTweakedIdentical (one.right, two.left) )
Copy boolean isSymmetric( TreeNode left , TreeNode right) {
if (left == null && right == null ) {
return true ;
} else if (left == null || right == null ){
return false ;
} else if ( left . value != right . value ) {
return false ;
return isSymmetric( left . left , right . left ) && isSymmetric( left . right , right . right ) //case 1
isSymmetric( left . left , right . right ) && isSymmetric( left . right , right . left ) ;
Invert a Binary Tree
Copy class Solution :
def invertTree ( self , root ):
if root is None :
return None
if root . left :
self . invertTree (root.left)
if root . right :
self . invertTree (root.right)
root . left , root . right = root . right , root . left
return root
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def invertTree ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: TreeNode
# write your solution here
if not root :
return root
leftres = root . left
root . left = self . invertTree (root.right)
root . right = self . invertTree (leftres)
return root
Binary Tree Upside Down
Base Case不是None的例子
Given a binary tree where all the right nodes are either leaf nodes with a sibling (a left node that shares the same parent node) or empty, flip it upside down and turn it into a tree where the original right nodes turned into left leaf nodes. Return the new root.
根变成了左孩子的右孩子(line8),根的左孩子变成了根,根的右孩子变成了左孩子的左孩子(line 7)
这和linked list的题目,reverse a singly linked list有点像。
1—> 2 —> 3 —> 4 —> None
cur. next. next =cur (line7&8)
cur.next = None (line9&10)
那么对于这个tree来说,root.right=root.left root.left=root
Copy def upside_tree ( root ):
if not root :
return root
if not root . left and not root . right :
return root
left_tree = upside_tree (root.left)
root . left . left = root . right #根的右孩子变成了左孩子的左孩子
root . left . right = root #根变成了左孩子的右孩子
root . left = None
root . right = None
return left_tree
Time: O(n)
Space: O(h)
Reverse Binary Tree Upside Down
/ \
2 5
/ \
3 4
is reversed to
/ \
2 4
/ \
1 5
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def reverse ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: TreeNode
# write your solution here
if not root :
return root
if not root . left and not root . right :
return root
newroot = self . reverse (root.left)
root . left . right = root . right
root . left . left = root
root . left = None
root . right = None
return newroot
Binary Tree Diameter
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def diameter ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: int
# write your solution here
self . maxnumber = 0
self . helper (root)
return self . maxnumber
def helper ( self , root ):
if not root :
return 0
left = self . helper (root.left)
right = self . helper (root.right)
if left > 0 and right > 0 :
self . maxnumber = max (self.maxnumber, left + right + 1 )
return max (left, right) + 1
Queue/Stack + Tree
Print iteratively binary tree
用stack 区别只是 在访问每个节点第几次的时候打印它
Copy def preorder_traversal ( root ):
output = []
if not root :
return output
stack = [(root , 1 )]
while stack :
node , count = stack . pop ()
if count == 1 :
output . append (node.val)
stack . append ((node, count + 1 ))
if node . left :
stack . append ((node.left, 1 ))
if count == 2 :
if node . right :
stack . append ((node.right, 1 ))
return output
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def preOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
if not root :
return result
line = [root]
while line :
curr = line . pop ()
if curr . right :
line . append (curr.right)
if curr . left :
line . append (curr.left)
result . append (curr.val)
return result
Copy def inorder_traversal ( root ):
output = []
if not root :
return output
stack = [(root , 1 )]
while stack :
node , count = stack . pop ()
if count == 2 :
output . append (node.val)
if node . right :
stack . append ((node.right, 1 ))
if count == 1 :
stack . append ((node, count + 1 ))
if node . left :
stack . append ((node.left, 1 ))
return output
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def inOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
line = []
curr = root
while curr or line :
if curr :
line . append (curr)
curr = curr . left
else :
curr = line . pop ()
result . append (curr.val)
curr = curr . right
return result
Copy def postorder_traversal ( root ):
output = []
if not root :
return output
stack = [(root , 1 )]
while stack :
node , count = stack . pop ()
if count == 3 :
output . append (node.val)
if count == 1 :
stack . append ((node, count + 1 ))
if node . left :
stack . append ((node.left, 1 ))
if count == 2 :
stack . append ((node, count + 1 ))
if node . right :
stack . append ((node.right, 1 ))
return output
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def postOrder ( self , root ):
input: TreeNode root
return: Integer[]
# write your solution here
result = []
if not root :
return result
line = [root]
prev = None
while line :
curr = line [ - 1 ]
if not prev or curr == prev . left or curr == prev . right :
if curr . left :
line . append (curr.left)
elif curr . right :
line . append (curr.right)
else :
line . pop ()
result . append (curr.val)
elif prev == curr . right or prev == curr . left and not curr . right :
line . pop ()
result . append (curr.val)
else :
line . append (curr.right)
prev = curr
return result
维护一个队列,q=[],root进,看是否有左右孩子,如果有,deque,左右孩子enque,依此类推。同时还要注意每一层的空行 方法有很多,比如可以建立一个临时队列,q1是当前队列,q2是下一层的队列。q1打印完后,如果q2有值,把值给q1,q2接收下一行。如果q2是空,结束。
Copy def print_by_level ( root ):
q = [root]
nextline = []
line = []
while q :
head = q . pop ( 0 )
if head . left :
nextline . append (head.left)
if head . right :
nextline . append (head.right)
line . append (head.val)
if not q :
print (line)
if nextline :
q = nextline
nextline = []
line = []
Time: O(n)
Space: O(max(len(q)))
Copy def minDepth ( root ):
# Corner Case
if root is None :
return 0
# Create an empty queue for level order traversal
q = []
# Enqueue root and initialize depth as 1
q . append ({ 'node' : root , 'depth' : 1 })
# Do level order traversal
while ( len (q) > 0 ) :
# Remove the front queue item
queueItem = q . pop ( 0 )
# Get details of the removed item
node = queueItem [ 'node' ]
depth = queueItem [ 'depth' ]
# If this is the first leaf node seen so far
# then return its depth as answer
if node . left is None and node . right is None :
return depth
# If left subtree is not None, add it to queue
if node . left is not None :
q . append ({ 'node' : node.left , 'depth' : depth + 1 })
# if right subtree is not None, add it to queue
if node . right is not None :
q . append ({ 'node' : node.right , 'depth' : depth + 1 })
Copy def levelOrder ( self , root ):
if not root :
return []
queue = deque ([root]) #queue=deque() deque.append(root) 注意这里需要[] 因为deque需要接收iterable的参数
result = []
while queue :
count = len (queue)
current_level = []
while count > 0 :
node = queue . popleft ()
current_level . append (node.value)
if node . left :
queue . append (node.left)
if node . right :
queue . append (node.right)
count -= 1
result . append (current_level)
return result
面试题目 Suppose a tree is stored on the disk, and each node may have a large number of fan-out. We only have limited size of memory. How can we access the tree in level order?
用preorder traversal模拟level order 假设root是2,在level=1的时候打印。
再followup 如果来回从左到右-从右到左,zigzag打印?
Get Keys In Binary Tree Layer By Layer Zig-Zag Order
Copy def zigzag ( self , root ):
if not root :
return []
reverse = True
res = []
q = [root]
next = []
line = []
while q :
head = q . pop ( 0 )
if head . left :
next . append (head.left)
if head . right :
next . append (head.right)
line . append (head.val)
if not q :
if reverse :
res . extend (line[:: - 1 ])
else :
res . extend (line)
if next :
q = next
reverse = not reverse
next = []
line = []
return res
Top Down (从上往下传值)
如果需要输出完整path,top down更实用 但是如果依赖subtree的结果,用bottom up
如果我们认为bottom up是post-order,那么top down就可以认为是preorder 即先做完自己这层的事情再做children的
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def findHeight ( self , root ):
if root is None :
return 0
self . result = 0
self . helper (root, 0 ) #还没有任何操作,没有任何计算,height=0
return self . result
def helper ( self , root , depth ):
if root is None :
self . result = max (self.result, depth)
self . helper (root.left, depth + 1 )
self . helper (root.right, depth + 1 )
如果在上面的代码加一个__init__, 把self.result=0放进init去,那么,每次调用时,上一次的result值并没有重置,每次需要加一个 s=Solution,创建一个新的object。
Top Down Bottom Up
Copy class Solution :
def maxValue ( self , root ):
self . max = None
self . helper (root)
return self . max
def helper ( self , root ):
if root is None :
self . max = max (self.max, root.value)
self . helper (root.left)
self . helper (root.right)
Copy class Solution :
def maxValue ( self , root ):
if root is None
return None
left = self . maxValue (root.left)
right = self . maxValue (root.right)
return max (root.vale, left, right)
Path Sum to Target
Solution 1: Top Down
Copy class Solution ():
def hasPathSum ( self , root , sum ):
self . sum = sum
self . ret = False #先假定False,只要在Line13找到一条True,之后的ret都是True
self . helper (root, 0 )
return self . ret
def helper ( self , root , current ):
if self . ret == True :
if root is None :
if root . left is None and root . right is None
self . ret = (self . ret or (current + root . val == self . sum))
self . helper (root.left, current + root.val)
self . helper (root.right, current + root.val)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def hasPathSum ( self , root , sum ):
self . sum = sum
if root is None :
return False
self . ret = False
self . helper (root,root.val)
return self . ret
def helper ( self , root , current ):
if root is None :
if root . left is None and root . right is None :
self . ret = (self . ret or current == self . sum)
if root . left :
self . helper (root.left, current + root.left.val)
if root . right :
self . helper (root.right, current + root.right.val)
Time: O(n)
Space: O(hight)
Solution 2: bottom up
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def hasPathSum ( self , root , sum ):
return self . sumPath (root, 0 , target)
def sumPath ( self , curr , partial , target ):
if curr is None :
return False
partial += curr . val
if not curr . left and not curr . right :
return partial == target
return self . sumPath (curr.left, partial, target) or self . sumPath (curr.right, partial, target)
Copy class Solution ( object ):
def hasPathSum ( self , root , sum ):
if not root :
return False
if not root . left and not root . left and root . val == sum :
return True
sum -= root . val
return self . hasPathSum (root.left, sum ) or self . hasPathSum (root.right, sum )